How much is the rent increase this year?
The rent increase will be 2.7%, which is in line with Government formula of the September 2024 Consumer Price Index (CPI) + 1%.
This means on average your rent could increase by £2.44 per week to £93.10 per week if you live in a Barnsley Council home.
Click here to get this year’s rent payment record card and find out more about paying your rent.
What does my rent pay for?
Rent doesn’t just pay for the home you live in but also for vital services that we provide. This includes things like repairs, maintenance, and annual safety checks, as well as longer term investment to improve your home.
Home improvement surveys
We’ve been carrying out home improvement surveys to provide up-to-date information about the condition of your home. We use this information to identify any potential issues and plan improvements that may be required.
This work is on a rolling programme so if you’re contacted about a survey for your home even if you had one in the last year, it’s important you please confirm your appointment and allow us access so the survey can be undertaken. Thank you for your ongoing co-operation. Click here for more information.
Supporting you
We know increased household expenses can be worrying, and we want to tell you about the support that’s available to you and answer any questions you may have.
Our Income Team are on hand to answer any questions about paying your rent. You can get in touch by completing this online contact form or by phoning us on 01226 787878 and asking for the Income Team.
Our Tenants First team can support you with things like budgeting advice, benefits and grants, managing debt, and advice about foodbank and community shop referrals. If you’d like to know more, complete this online contact form or phone us on 01226 787878 and ask for the Tenants First team.
Translating your rent letter into other languages
Our website is compatible with language translation software. To translate the rent notice and letter into another language, we recommend Google Translate website service.
You can translate specific documents within the website by saving them to your device and then uploading them to Google Translate.
Berneslai Homes Social Housing Rent Increase Notice 2025
Berneslai Homes rent increase letter 2025
Translate this site or documents into other languages using Google Translate
Let us know if you have a particular communication need. Click here to find out more about how we can support you to access services.
10th floor, Gateway Plaza, off Sackville St, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 2RD
Berneslai Homes Limited is a company controlled by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 4548803