Your local area and environmental issues
We work closely with Barnsley Council and other partners to make sure your estate is clean, attractive, and well kept.
Our promise to you is that we will:
- Keep shrub beds, hedges, verges, and grassed areas tidy
- Cut grass regularly between April and October
- Control weeds by spraying verge edges and paved surfaces that we are responsible for once in spring and once in summer
- Prune or fell trees that are our responsibility and that need pruning or felling
- Remove any offensive graffiti within one working day of being told about it
- Keep communal areas in flats and sheltered housing schemes clean and well maintained
- Where the law allows us, arrange for abandoned cars to be removed

Grass cutting
The annual grass cutting season for 2024 has commenced. Barnsley Council have a grass cutting schedule, you can find out what they do and when they will be cutting the grass on the public areas of your estate.
If ground conditions are saturated due to heavy rainfall, newly cut grass can look very muddy and messy. Please be patient if this is the case. As the weather improves, so should the look of the grass.
Poor weather and other unforeseen issues can affect the grass cutting schedule - any scheduled grass cutting will be completed once the weather improves.
Looking after your garden
We expect you keep your garden tidy and in a reasonable condition and we may take action against tenants who fail to do this.
We can offer advice to vulnerable tenants who are finding it difficult to keep their garden tidy.
We need your help to keep your estate in good condition. Here’s how you can support us:
- Keep your own garden tidy and in reasonable condition
- Prune back any large hedges or shrubs in your garden
- Look after any fencing that is your responsibility
- Recycle your rubbish by using the right bins
- Dispose of large items (bulky waste) properly
- Pick up dog poo
- Report any issues on your estate
- Tell us if there are any areas of your estate that could be improved

Bins, rubbish, and recycling
Barnsley Council provide a kerbside collection service of household and recycled waste. Your grey household waste bin is emptied one week, and your coloured recycling bins are emptied on the other weeks.
Each household should have the following:
- A grey 240 litre bin for general waste
- A green bin for garden waste*
- A blue bin for recycling cardboard, paper, magazines, and junk mail
- A brown bin for recycling plastic bottles, pots, and tubs, cans and tins, and glass bottles and jars
*The green bin comes in two sizes. The standard bin is 240 litres, or a smaller 140 litre bin is provided at properties without gardens or where storage space is limited.
It’s your responsibility to put the right things in the right bin. The council can’t empty your bins unless the lids are fully closed and there’s no contamination.
Large unwanted items
Please take any large unwanted items to your local household waste recycling centre (free to use) or arrange for them to be collected by the council (a small fee will apply).
Use the links below to get more information:
Find a household waste recycling centre (tip)
What you can take to the household waste recycling centre (tip)
Request a large item collection (Barnsley Council paid service)

Tree management and maintenance
Barnsley Council is responsible for maintaining and inspecting council owned trees in:
- streets
- parks and open spaces
- cemeteries
The council inspects trees to make sure they're safe and in a healthy condition. The programme for inspections varies according to the age of the trees, the condition, the location, and species.
The council will always check trees to avoid disturbing nesting birds before starting any work between March and October.
They will only work on certain trees with dense crowns in winter, when the nesting season ends.
Report a problem with a tree
You can use our eform to report a problem with a council owned tree in a street, park, or open space, such as:
- damage to your property from a tree
- trees blocking street lights or signs
Gardening scheme
If you need some help with your garden, the companies listed below who we have found to be competitively priced and trustworthy may be of interest. Please note, we’re only signposting and have no other responsibility over this service. You choose a company and negotiate with them directly - this arrangement is between you and the company, not Berneslai Homes.
Linda Calvert
Mark Brooks Yard, Off Vine Street, Leeds Road, Huddersfield, HD1 6NU
Sheds and greenhouses
If you want to have a shed or greenhouse in your garden, you must ask us for permission.
You’ll also be expected to keep any structures in a good state of repair and painted regularly.
We’ll aim to give you a decision within 5 working days of us getting all the information required. This may take longer if we need to carry out an inspection. If we can’t make a decision at this time, we’ll contact you and tell you why there’s a delay.
As well as written permission from Berneslai Homes, you may need building regulations approval or planning permission from Barnsley Council.

Allotments are a great way to get outdoors and enjoy nature, grow your own fresh fruit and vegetables and help improve your health and wellbeing.
We manage a small number of allotments for rent located at Bly Road, Darfield and Fitzwilliam Street, Elsecar.
If there’s a waiting list, we’ll let the next available allotment in order of date of application.
Allotment rent depends on its location and site. You can phone us on 01226 787878 for more information.
Join the register to rent an allotment managed by us
Barnsley Council also offer more allotments: