Central neighbourhood team
The Central neighbourhood team covers these council wards: Central, Dodworth, Kingstone, Stairfoot, Worsbrough.
The Team Leader is Rebecca Myers.
Contact the Central team
If you need to speak to a neighbourhood officer and see them on your estate, just call them over. They will be happy to help.
You can also contact your neighbourhood team by:
The team will look into your enquiry and if it requires a response will get back to you as soon as possible. We aim to respond to emails within five working days and prioritise all requests for service considering urgency, vulnerabilities, and risk. If you have non urgent enquiry, use our online form to contact us.
You can also phone our general enquiry number 01226 787878 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (this is also available 24 hours a day for emergency or urgent situations).
Our customer services team will be able to help you with most enquiries, and if they can’t help, they will take details of your question and a neighbourhood officer will contact you about it within five working days.
If they feel your question needs answering more urgently, they will ask a neighbourhood officer to contact you sooner.

Your local estate walkabouts and 'Your Community, Your Say' meetings
Central/Town/Summer Lane – Karen Winch & Rober Hargreaves
- Wednesday 12 February at 1.00pm King Street
- Wednesday 4 June at 1.00pm – Churchfields Close
- Wednesday 12 November at 1.00pm – King Street
Worsbrough – Sally Gill, JoAnn Fellows, Alyson Christmas, Marie Jackson
- Wednesday 5 February at 2.00pm – Maltas Court
Kendray – Emily Wimpenny, Michelle, Jayden
- Wednesday 25 February at 12.00pm – Hudson Haven
April 2025 Estate Walkabouts
Measbrough Dyke
Wednesday 2 April, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Boundary Street
Route: Portman Street, Vaal Street, Doncaster Road, Junction Street, Burton Terrace, Jubilee Terrace, Sunderland Terrace, Ivy Terrace, Brinckman Street, Gold Street, Wilby Lane, Henshall Street, Cemetery Road.
Worsborough Common
Wednesday 9 April, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Top of Warren Quarry Lane
Route: Middlesex Street, Surrey Close, Bank Street, Bedford Street, Bismark Street, Cope Street, Dobie Street, Howard Street, Dillington Square, Peel Street, Bruce Avenue, Vernon Close, Mount Vernon Avenue.
Summer Lane Complex
Wednesday 16 April, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Federation Office, Prospect Street
Route: Aireton Road, Austwick Walk, Coalby Walk, Eshton Walk, Gayle Court, Holwick Court, Ingleton Walk, Kilnsea Walk, Langdon Walk, Malham Court, Prospect Street, Rock Street, Highfield Terrace.
Worsbrough Bridge
Wednesday 23 April, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Yewdale
Route: Park View, Oakdale, High Street, Oaklea, Green Street, George Street, Hollygate, Pantry Well, Pantry Green, James Street, Grove Street, Heptinstall Street, Station Road, Edmunds Road.
Cypress Road
Wednesday 30 April, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Worsley Close
Route: Cypress Road, Yews Lane, Cedar Crescent, Worsley Close, Yews Place, Poplars Road.
May 2025 Estate Walkabouts
Leslie Road
Wednesday 7 May, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Reginald Road
Route: Philip Road, Birch Road, Laurel Avenue, Birk Green, Birk House Lane, Malcolm Close, Raymond Road, Leslie Road.
Ward Green
Wednesday 14 May, 11.00
Meeting Point: Beverley Avenue
Route: Napier Mount, Vernon Crescent, Genn Lane, Cromwell Mount, Holgate Mount, Highstone Lane, Darley Avenue, Kingwell Crescent, Mayfield Crescent, Strafford Avenue, Locke Avenue, Norcroft, Highfield Avenue, Fernbank Close, Highroyds, Highstone Corner, Mount Vernon Road.
Larch Place
Wednesday 21 May, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Outside 112 Farm Road
Route: Swanee Road, The Firs, Larch Place, Masons Way, Pine Close.
Multi Storey
Wednesday 28 May, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Albion House Car Park
Route: Albion House, Britannia House, Buckley House, Britannia Close, Copper Close, Duke Crescent, Union Court, Buckley House, Wood Street.
June 2025 Estate Walkabouts
Worsbrough Dale
Wednesday 4 June, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Maltas Court
Route: Greenwood Avenue, Underwood Avenue, Yews Avenue, Wellington Crescent, Cliffedale Crescent, Yews Lane, Knowle Road, Overdale Avenue, Cross Street.
Wortley Avenue/Aldham House Lane
Wednesday 11 June, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Simonsway
Route: 157-251 Aldham House Lane, 2-70 and all odd numbers on Pearson Crescent, Wortley Avenue, Mill Hill, Hollgate.
Gerald Road
Wednesday 18 June, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Top of Gerald Road
Route: Gerald Place, Gerald Close, Gerald Crescent, Gerald Walk.
Hudson Haven Sheltered Complex/Storeys Gate
Wednesday 25 June, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Hudsons Haven
Route: Storeys Gate, Roy Kilner Road, Upton Close, 74+ Aldham House Lane, Owler Close, Willow Garth.
July 2025 Estate Walkabouts
Wednesday 2 July, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Wharncliffe
Route: Abbey Green, Birdwell Road, Broomcroft, Brough Green, Castle Close, Cawthorne Close, Fairway, Gilroyd Bridge, Gilroyd Lane, Green Lane, Hazleshaw, Locke Road, Low Street, Northorpe, Rob Royd, Rockingham Road, Rockleys, Saville Road, The Hollins, The Link, Wharncliffe, Wilson Walk, Snow Hill, Needlewood.
Worsbrough Bridge 2
Wednesday 9 July, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Eastfields
Route: Broomroyd, Queensway, Westfields, Berrydale, Clayroyd, Hardwick Close, George Street, Ashover Street, Charles Street, Brockfield Close, Lobwood.
Lambert Road/Redhill Avenue
Wednesday 16 July, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Top of Redhill Avenue
Route: Lambert Road, Oaks Crescent, Doncaster Road 269–223.
Worsbrough Common
Wednesday 23 July, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Bottom of Highstone Avenue
Route: California Street, California Crescent, Canada Street, Columbia Street, Highstone Avenue, Highstone Vale, Highstone Crescent, Farview Terrace, Kenworthy Road, Warren Crescent, Warren Place, Dickinson Road, Dickinson Place.
Neville Court/Close Aldham House Lane
Wednesday 30 July, 11:00AM
Meeting Point: Higher numbers on Pearson Crescent
Route: 77-155 Aldham House Lane, Neville Close, Neville Court, Fellows Walk, Mont Walk, Janets Walk, Spring Walk, Richardson Walk.
Your Central neighbourhood team
Aldham House, Stairfoot: Aldham House Lane, Fellows Walk, Holgate, Hudson Haven, Janets Walk, Mill Hill, Mont Walk, Neville Close, Neville Court, Owler Close, Pearson Crescent, Richardson Walk, Roy Kilner Road, Simonsway, Spring Walk, Storeys Gate, Upton Close, Willow Garth, Wortley Avenue, Gordon Street, Hopewell Street, New Street, Oxford Street.Ardsley Kingstone King Street: Alexandra Terrace, Chapel Place, Pinfold Close, Scarfield Close, Bainton Drive, Caistor Avenue, Dyson Street, Ellington Court, Keresforth Close, Keresforth Hill Road, Kingstone Place, Laceby Court, Raley Street, The Square, King Street.
Arncliffe Drive, Broomfield Close, Glenmoor Avenue, Horsewood Close, Linton Close, Stone Croft, Fall Close, Moorland Avenue, Woodland Drive, Abbey Green, Birdwell Road, Broomcroft, Brough Green, Castle Close, Cawthorne Close, Fairway, Gilroyd Lane, Green Lane, Hazelshaw, Locke Road, Low Street, Needlewood, Northorpe, Rob Royd, Rockingham Road, Rockleys, Saville Road, The Hollins, The Link, Wharncliffe, Wilson Walk, Railway Cottages, Rhodes Terrace, Higham Common Road, Racecommon Road, Blenheim Gardens, St Georges Road, Alma Street, Avon Street, Pontefract Road, Bala Street, Bank Street, Blenheim Avenue Garage Plot 6, Broadway, Doncaster Road.
Barnsley Road, Castle View, Cliffe Crescent, Collins Close, Gate Crescent, South Road, Hawthorne Crescent, Higham Lane, Intake Crescent, Low View, Naylor Grove, Parwich Walk, Pollyfox Way, Queens Drive, Snow Hill, South Crescent, South Road, Stainborough Road, Thornely Avenue, Wareham Grove, Welfare View, Windsor Drive.
Britannia Close, Copper Close, Duke Crescent, Albion House, Buckley House, Burton Terrace, Boundary Street, Lulworth Close, Portland Street, Ivy Terrace, Union Court, Brinkman Street, Dobie Street, Dodworth Road, Doncaster Road, Hibbert Terrace, Keir Street, Broadway, Cemetery Road, Clyde Street, Commercial Street, Corporation Street, Cranbrook Street, Dodworth Road, Eldon Street North, Farrar Street, Fitzwilliam Street, Gold Street, Grafton Street, Henshall Street, Chilton Street, Huddersfield Road, James Street, Mottram Street, Jubilee Terrace, Junction Street, Lancaster Street, Livingstone Terrace, Nicholas Street, Nursery Street, Oxford Street, Parker Street, Park Road, Pond Street, Pontefract Road, Princess Street, Queens Road, Richard Street, Sackville Street, Springfield Street, St Georges Road, St Johns Road, Sunderland Terrace, Tower Street, Tune Street, Upper Sheffield Road, Vaal Street, Victoria Road, Waltham Street, Wellington Place, Wharnecliffe Street, Wilby Lane, Windermere Road, Wood Street, Britannia House, Church Street, Honeywell Street, Allatt Close, Fleming Place, Providence Court, Rebecca Row. Agnes Road, Bridge Street
Arthur Street, Ashover Close, Berrydale, Blackburn Street, Brockfield Close, Broomroyd, Charles Street, Clayroyd, Dawcroft Avenue, Dovedale, Dovedale Place, Eastfields, Edmund Street, Elmcourt, Elmsdale, George Street, Haldene, Hardwick Close, John Street, Kendal Crescent, Lewdendale, Lobwood, Meadow View, Oakdale, Oak Lea, Osmond Drive, Park Road, Park View, Queensway, Ravenholt, Ravenscourt, Roundwood Court, Saxon Crescent, Shield Avenue, St James Close, Tudor Way, Underhill, Vernon Road, Walbrook, Westfields
Allendale, Baden Street, Bank End Avenue, Cliffedale Crescent, Cross Street, Darley, Edmunds Road, George Street, Greenwood Avenue, Heptinstall Street, High Street Hollygate, James Street, Knowle Road, Maltas Court, Melton Terrace, Monkspring, Overdale Avenue, Pantry Green, Pantry Well, Station Road, Swaithedale, Thickett Lane, Underwood Avenue, Wellington Crescent, West Street, Yewdale, Yews Avenue, Yews Lane
Bedford Street, Bismarck Street, Bruce Avenue, California Crescent, California Street, California Terrace, Canada Street, Columbia Street, Cope Street, Dickinson Place, Dickinson Road, Dillington Road, Dillington Square, Essex Road, Farview Terrace, Highstone Avenue, Highstone Crescent, Highstone Road, Highstone Vale, Howard Street, Kenworthy Road, Middlesex Street, Mount Vernon Avenue, Peel Street, Surrey Close, Vernon Close, Warren Crescent, Warren Place, Warren Quarry Lane, Cope Street. Beverley Avenue, Cromwell Mount, Darley Avenue, Fernbank Close, Genn Lane, Highfield Avenue, Highroyds, Highstone Corner, Highstone Lane, Holgate Mount, Kingwell Crescent, Locke Avenue, Mayfield Crescent, Mount Vernon Road, Napier Mount, Norcroft, Strafford Avenue, Vernon Crescent. St Barts Terrace, Beckett Hospital Terrace, Bark Street
Ash Grove, Birch Road, Birk Avenue, Birk Crescent, Birk Green, Birk Road, Hunningley Lane, Lambert Road, Larch Place, Laurel Avenue, Lockeaflash Crescent, Cypress Road, Thornton Road, Worsley Close, Yews Lane, Yews Place, Cedar Crescent, Oaks Crescent, Phillip Road, Poplars Road, Raymond Road, Redhill Avenue, Reginald Road, Malcolm Close, Don Drive, Sheaf Court
Broom Close, Calder Crescent, Colley Avenue, Colley Crescent, Croft Road, Edward Close, Farm Road, Gerald Close, Gerald Place, Gerald Road, Gerald Walk, Gilbert Grove, Masons Way, Neville Avenue, Neville Close, Neville Crescent, Pine Close, Swanee Road, The Firs
Summer Lane: Aireton Road, Austwick Walk, Coalby Walk, Eshton Walk, Gayle Court, Holwick Court, Ingleton Walk, Kilnsea Walk, Langdon Walk, Litton Walk, Malham Court, Prospect Street, Rock Street, Keir Street, Churchfield. Broadway Churchfields: Berneslai Close, Churchfields Close, Arncliffe Drive, Broomfield Close, Glenmoor Avenue, Horsewood Close, Linton Close, Stone Croft, Fall Close, Moorland Avenue, Woodland Drive.