Our neighbourhood teams
Our neighbourhood teams are small groups of officers who are responsible for providing housing management services at a local level.
Each team has a team leader and neighbourhood officers and assistants who work on your estates. They carry an identity badge which has their photograph, name, and job title on it.
Your neighbourhood team is here to work with you and other agencies including Barnsley Council to help you sustain your tenancy and enjoy where you live.
The quickest way to contact your local team is by using our dedicated team emails - your message will be passed on to the relevant officer. You can find your local team details below.

Contact your neighbourhood team
If you need to speak to a neighbourhood officer and see them on your estate, just call them over. They will be happy to help.
You can also contact your neighbourhood team by:
- Completing our online form
- Emailing your local team (details are provided below)
Central neighbourhood team
North neighbourhood team
North East and Dearne neighbourhood team
South neighbourhood team
The team will look into your enquiry and if it requires a response will get back to you as soon as possible. We aim to respond to emails within five working days and prioritise all requests for service considering urgency, vulnerabilities, and risk. If you have non urgent enquiry, use our online form to contact us.
You can also phone our general enquiry number 01226 787878 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (this is also available 24 hours a day for emergency or urgent situations).
Our customer services team will be able to help you with most enquiries, and if they can’t help, they will take details of your question and a neighbourhood officer will contact you about it within five working days.
If they feel your question needs answering more urgently, they will ask a neighbourhood officer to contact you sooner.

Supporting our tenants
- Giving advice and help on any aspect of your tenancy
- Help dealing with neighbour disputes
- Work with our specialist lettings staff to make sure that our properties are let in line with our lettings policy
Keeping estates clean and safe places to live
- Checking our estates regularly to identify any environmental issues and reporting outstanding jobs to the Barnsley Council Neighbourhood Services team
- Working closely with South Yorkshire Police and Barnsley Council’s Enforcement team to tackle antisocial behaviour, youth nuisance, or drug-related problems - we regularly share information and carry out joint visits with these agencies to your home if we need to
Helping tenants to have their say
- Working with and helping to set up local tenants’ and residents’ associations (TARAs)
- Taking part in customer consultations such as surveys, attending open days, and giving presentations at public meetings
- Attending and supporting 'Your Community, Your Say' meetings (please see details of meetings below)
Great partnership working
- Working closely with other local people, groups, and organisations including councillors, community groups, the Environmental Regulatory Unit, the police, social services, and local schools
- Working with our partners to make sure empty properties are prepared for re-letting quickly
- Working with the scheme managers in our older people’s housing schemes

Have your say in your local community
We’re currently reviewing how we do local engagement which includes our estate walkabouts and your community, your say meetings. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
If you’re a tenant and would like to send in any questions, suggestions, or feedback, or you'd like to be involved in the review, please email communityengagement@berneslaihomes.co.uk
Estate walkabouts
We hold regular estate inspections where tenants and residents can join our team as we monitor the appearance of your estates and identify actions to improve them.
The walkabouts are often attended by local elected members and our partner organisations including the council who provide services in the area.
The walkabout looks at all aspects of the estate’s condition including things like gardens, highway issues, litter, dog fouling, and so on.
Any issues identified are recorded and referred to the appropriate agency for attention. You’re welcome to join us on our next walkabout.
Dates and locations for your local walkabouts are listed on your team's page.

Your Community, Your Say
'Your Community, Your Say' meetings give you a chance to join local conversations about what we and our partner organisations including the council and police do, and any issues in your area.
These could include things like litter, dog fouling, anti-social behaviour, and grass cutting.
The group is made up of Berneslai Homes officers, local councillors, tenants, and our partners who provide other services in your area including the police and the council.
Dates and locations for your local meeting are listed on your team's page.