Your estate

We work together to improve your homes and estates, providing a high quality service to make sure your estates are safe and happy places to live in.

We work closely with Barnsley Council and other partners to keep your estate clean, attractive, and well kept.

You can do your bit by looking after where you live and reporting any problems to us.  

Enjoy where you live

We'll work together to keep our estates a place we can all be proud of. We appreciate your help and involvement in keeping your local area clean, tidy, and a nice place to live. 

You can:

  • Adhere to the conditions of your Tenancy Agreement
  • Be a good neighbour
  • Report any problems of anti-social behaviour, graffiti, litter, or abandoned cars
  • Let us know if a home has been abandoned (remember some of our homes may be unoccupied while major works are being carried out so they can be re-let)
  • Join us on our estate walkabouts
  • Send us your comments on how we can improve your home or neighbourhood
  • Get involved with volunteering and other community activity

Estate walkabouts and outcomes

We do regular estate inspections with our tenants and residents from the local area. They are often also attended by local councillors as well as officers from council departments such as Neighbourhood Services and the local Safer Neighbourhood Team.

The walkabout looks at all parts of the estate’s condition, including:

  • gardens
  • litter and dog fouling
  • graffiti and fly tipping
  • general maintenance and repairs to properties
  • garage sites 

Any issues we notice are recorded and if we're unable to resolve an issue, it is passed on to the relevant team within Barnsley Council for attention.

You're welcome to join us on our walkabouts and you can also let us know if you’re aware of any issues that we need to look at.

Please contact your local neighbourhood team to attend a walkabout or raise any issues. Estate walkabout dates and outcomes are published for each area. Please click on your local team below for dates and times.