Universal Credit Managed Migration

The Government is moving people who are currently claiming legacy benefits such as tax credits, Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support and Housing benefit etc onto Universal Credit. This is called Universal Credit Managed Migration. 

You don’t need to do anything until you have received a Universal Credit ‘Migration Notice’ (letter) from the DWP.

The first roll out will only affect people claiming Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits.

Please read the frequently asked questions about Universal Credit Managed Migration to find out more. 

Once you’ve received the letter, you’ll have 3 months to make your claim for Universal Credit. 

The notice tells you:

  • That you need to claim UC
  • The ‘deadline day’
  • What happens if you don’t claim in time
  • Other information about how to claim UC, joint claims, couples, etc.

Every case is different.  It may be that you will be ‘better off’ under Universal Credit.   It may be that you will be worse off, but you will be entitled to ‘Transitional Protection’ if found to be worse off. 

We are here to help if you are worried you will be worse off.  You can also use a benefits calculator to check.

You will keep getting your current benefit paid for two more weeks. You must still be eligible for your current benefit.

This only applies if you’re getting:

  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit

You will not need to pay back the extra payments and they will not affect the Universal Credit you might get.

Transitional Protection is a top-up payment, so you do not lose out because of the move to Universal Credit. It means that you cannot receive less money than your current benefits.  

Your transitional protection may end through the following means:

  • Your UC award increases to reach the same amount you were receiving from the benefits it replaced, or
  • Your UC entitlement decreases to zero award, or
  • You have a significant change of circumstances.

You can find further information here:

What is Universal Credit (UC) transitional protection? - Turn2us

We would strongly recommend you don’t miss your deadline date.  The DWP may extend (at discretion) the deadline by one month.

If you claim after the final deadline:

  • Your legacy benefits will stop immediately.
  • You won’t be able to get transitional protection.
  • Your Universal Credit won’t be backdated.

Under Universal Credit, you’ll receive one monthly payment.  In the past your local council may have paid your housing benefit straight to us.  Under Universal Credit, this is paid to you.

We can set up a Direct Debit or alternative payment method with you so that when you receive your housing costs from Universal Credit you can pay your rent.

To set up a Direct Debit, use this link here. 

Alternatively contact the Income team on 01226 787878 to set up or discuss alternative payment methods.

If you are on Universal Credit – you must make a separate claim for Council Tax Support.