Right to Manage

What is the Right to Manage?

As a council tenant, under the Housing Act 1994, you have a Right to Manage. This means you have a right to take over responsibility for managing your housing services from Barnsley Council and Berneslai Homes by grouping together with other tenants to form a Tenant Management Organisation. To do this you would have to follow the Right to Manage process.  

What is a Tenant Management Organisation (TMO)?

A TMO is an independent legal body who have responsibility for running housing services for a group of homes. The TMO receives funding from the landlord to run these services. It usually has an elected tenant-led management committee who run the organisation. 

A TMO has a legal management agreement (contract) with the landlord. The TMO is paid annual management and maintenance allowances in order to carry out the management duties that are delegated to them.

TMOs can take different forms and sizes. Some TMOs manage just a handful of homes while others manage large estates of two or three thousand properties. Small TMOs may rely mainly on voluntary effort but most employ staff such as housing managers, caretakers and repair workers.

The services managed by a TMO vary with local circumstances but may include day-to-day repairs, allocations and lettings, tenancy management, cleaning and caretaking, and rent collection.

How do I apply to set up a Tenant Management Organisation?

You will need to work with other tenants in your area to decide what housing services you wish to manage, and the homes covered as part of your Right to Manage. You'll also need to engage with other residents to secure support for your plans, and demonstrate that you are competent to manage housing services.

Where can I get information and support to help me choose?

Our Community Engagement Team can give you more information.   You can email them at communityengagement@berneslaihomes.co.uk 

The National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations offers information and advice about the Right to Manage.

You can also email tenantempowerment@communities.gsi.gov.uk