Reasonable adjustments
Supporting our customers to access our services
We ask for and record information about our customers to help us support you in the best way possible. You can tell us your preferences for we visit you, for example if we should use a certain door, wait a bit longer for you to answer, or knock loudly.
You can also let us know if you have a particular communication need. Below are some examples of how we can support you. If you’d like to access any of these services, please let us know by:
- Phone 01226 787878
- Email
Don’t forget to tell us your name and address.
We aim to subtitle our video content. Some older videos don’t have subtitles, but we are replacing them with ones that do.
Face to face
We can arrange to provide British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters, lip speakers and lip readers, and a range of other help for our Deaf customers. This can be in a customer’s home or at another suitable location. We aim to arrange this service within five working days.
Relay UK is a free service to help people with hearing and speech difficulties communicate with anyone over the phone.
You don't need any special kit – just download the app from the App Store, Google Play or the Microsoft Store onto your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Our website is compatible with screen readers and our images have ALT text descriptions.
Face to face or phone
We’re usually able to communicate verbally either face to face or over the phone.
In writing
We can send large print letters.
Additional support
If you need it, we can provide information in braille or on audio tape or CD.
Our website is compatible with language translation software.
To translate into another language, we recommend Google Translate website service. You’ll need to type the website address into the site and press the blue arrow to proceed. It will open in a new window and you can select a language at the top of each page.
You can also translate specific documents within the website by saving them to your device and then uploading them to Google's document translation service.
Translate this site or documents into other languages using Google Translate
We use a telephone translation service which allows us to communicate with tenants quickly and easily in their own language. The service supports over 230 languages and dialects.
We arrange a three-way telephone conversation where interpreters accurately and securely pass on information between the tenant (using their own language) and Berneslai Homes staff.
This is a service we can arrange either on demand or by appointment.
Face to face
We use a face to face translation service in a customer’s home or at another convenient location. This sometimes takes us up to five days to arrange.
In writing
Translating into foreign languages takes time, is expensive, and often does not resolve the customer’s enquiry, and so we don’t usually offer written translations. If needed we will translate legal documents, such as a notice to end a tenancy.
Pentru traducerea într-o altă limbă, vă recomandăm serviciul de site web Google Translate. Va trebui să introduceți adresa site-ului pe site și să faceți clic pe săgeata albastră pentru a continua. Se va deschide într-o fereastră nouă și vă puteți selecta limba în partea de sus a fiecărei pagini.
Aby przetłumaczyć na inny język, zalecamy skorzystanie z serwisu internetowego Google Translate. Musisz wpisać adres strony internetowej na stronie i nacisnąć niebieską strzałkę, aby kontynuować. Otworzy się w nowym oknie i możesz wybrać język u góry każdej strony.
Lai tulkotu citā valodā, iesakām izmantot Google tulkotāja vietni. Lapā jāievada vietnes adrese un jānospiež zilā bultiņa, lai turpinātu. Tas tiks atvērts jaunā logā, un katras lapas augšdaļā varat izvēlēties savu valodu.
Making services accessible to everyone
We’re committed to providing excellent service to all our customers and we work hard to put equality, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of everything we do.
We always check how our policies and services affect different groups of people. This is a process called ‘equality impact assessment.’ We use the findings of these assessments to change a policy or develop services so that they meet the needs of everyone.
A key part of our commitment to equality is to prioritise our work in partnership with customers and staff, and we put this into an equality action plan. We review this every year, with our customer diversity advisory panel and staff diversity champions, who review the action plan every three months.
If you feel a policy or service discriminates against a particular group of people, or you want to know more about how we’ve assessed a particular policy or service, please let us know by emailing