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The Washing Line Project - starting a conversation about domestic abuse

Published: 21/06/2024
The Washing Line Project

Berneslai Homes was delighted to take part in The Washing Line Project, a unique art installation designed to start a conversation about domestic abuse in Barnsley. 

The artwork was unveiled on Friday 14 June at Barnsley Market and is made up of t-shirts adorned with motivational quotes and personal stories.

Aiming to shine a light on often overlooked domestic abuse statistics, designs were created by survivors of domestic abuse and their loved ones, along with Barnsley Council’s partners and commissioned providers. 

The 132 T-shirts hung up as part of this limited-time exhibition represent the number of individual domestic abuse cases reported to the police every week in Barnsley. 

Representatives from our Tenants First and customer engagement teams lent their artistic flair to the project.

If you, or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, help is available. Click here for more information on local support.

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