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Celebrating Yorkshire Day by thanking the people that help make Barnsley a lovely place to live

Published: 05/08/2024
Yorkshire Day

Berneslai Homes marked Yorkshire Day on Thursday 1 August by celebrating the tenants, leaseholders, and residents who make a positive impact in their communities. Chief Executive Amanda Garrard and members of the community engagement team spent the day surprising those who have gone above and beyond, recognising their efforts with Yorkshire-themed gifts during ‘Thank you Thursday’.

People who have made a positive difference in their communities were visited, including Michelle, Geoff, and Vicky - involved tenants who attend various meetings to help the tenant voice be heard on behalf of themselves and others. We also visited Noel and Tommy who live in the high-rise flats and are part of our residents building safety group, helping to raise awareness and make joint decisions to keep everyone safe. Another resident Pauline, who helps maintain the communal garden area along with her neighbour Linda, was thanked at Pendon House in Penistone.

Some of the recipients came from the Great Houghton Tenants and Residents Association (TARA). This dedicated group works hard to bring projects and community spirit to their area. We had the pleasure of meeting Linda and Julie, two key members. Julie has served on the TARA committee for over 30 years, making her the longest-serving member.

The group organises an annual seaside trip, funded through their own fundraising efforts. This year, they’re heading to Scarborough, with two coaches of residents. The trip includes pop, crisps, and a bingo game on the coaches—a day out that many residents eagerly anticipate. Their Friday night bingo sessions attract over 60 people each week, and TARA members make sure everyone can attend, even providing transport for those who need it. They also host weekly coffee mornings.

Their involvement in the community goes beyond events. During the Jubilee, they distributed ‘afternoon tea in a bag’ to local residents, complete with tea, coffee, biscuits, and commemorative gifts. They also participate in litter picking and work closely with the local primary school.

And if that wasn’t enough, members work closely with Berneslai Homes to help shape and improve services for tenants. All committee members are now registered to our new Check It Challengers and are taking an active role in reviewing and offering feedback on documents, website content, and more, helping to make sure it’s fit for purpose and easy to understand.

Amanda Garrard, Chief Executive of Berneslai Homes, said: “Yorkshire Day was a great opportunity to celebrate and thank the tenants who make Barnsley a great place to live. We wanted to acknowledge those who go above and beyond to create a positive impact in their communities. Groups like the Great Houghton TARA are vital in making Barnsley the special place it is, and we’re grateful for their dedication and hard work.”

Everyone’s contributions are greatly appreciated and play a crucial role in the community spirit that defines Barnsley. Thank you to everyone we saw on Yorkshire Day and to all of our involved tenants. We’re proud to highlight the great work you’re doing!

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