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A successful spring clean on Summer Lane

Published: 15/08/2024
Summer Lane Can Do Crew Volunteers

The Summer Lane estate in Barnsley town centre has been the latest location to benefit from a visit by the ‘Can Do Crew’, our employer supported volunteering scheme.

Volunteers from a range of different teams in Berneslai Homes helped pick litter, put up posters to tackle dog fouling and fly tipping, inspect the estate and gardens and report any outstanding jobs, and support tenants to make use of two skips that were provided for free use.

In just a couple of hours, volunteers filled fifteen bags with litter, two skips with unwanted items, and put up twenty-five posters, creating a social value of £924 and making an instant impact on the appearance of the estate.

There was a great response from tenants who came out to use the skips and help tidy up their locality, including Dean who made at least ten trips from his home! We were also delighted to meet young residents Charlie and George who asked to borrow some of our litter picking equipment and came back with a full bag soon after.

A member of the Ambition team was also on hand to chat to tenants and encourage participation in our free programme for anyone currently not in work, training, or education. Click here if you'd like to find out more

This was the first of a series of planned events on the estate where we’re working closely with tenants to improve the local area and help to build a group of community champions. If you’d like to be involved in this project, or one in your own local area or estate, please contact our engagement team by emailing communityengagement@bernesaihomes.co.uk   

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