Customer Services Committee

What does the customer services committee do?

The Customer Services Committee focus is all about tenants and making sure that we listen and respond to your voice. Their role is to offer challenge and be assured that Berneslai Homes is listening to tenants, delivering excellent services, and that where there are issues plans are in place to resolve them.     

How do they hear the tenant voice?

  • The committee has one tenant board member who has an equal say in the decisions made by Committee.
  • Two tenants from the Tenant Voice Panel come along to Committee and give a tenant perspective on items being discussed.
  • All the reports that are presented to committee have a section that must include any tenant feedback and consultation, and the difference or impact on tenants.

Can I attend committee meetings?

No, as they are private meetings.

In November 2023 the committee started holding their meetings in different community bases across the borough and are inviting tenants and residents to come along before the meeting starts to chat and share their views with committee. 

Please see the downloads below for a meeting agenda and summary of the discussions and decisions made.